But in the meantime, we’re working on ways to bring the
to you in the 2020-2021 school year!

Although there is still uncertainty about how the school year will look…. our plan at Clay for Kids Edmonton is to deliver the best option for field trips, keeping schools, staff and students safe!
For the last 40 YEARS, Clay for Kids has been the program that comes to you, eliminating costly bus fees and the need to take students off site. Staying at the school is now one of the biggest benefits! It allows teachers the ability to control the environment – students remain at the school, and our Clay for Kids instructor comes in to deliver our proven in-school field-trip program!
What else are we doing to keep you safe? Read below for ‘Our New Normal’.
Clay for Kids is FLEXIBLE! To receive the promotional pricing, book a tentative date for your workshops now. All details will be confirmed in the fall once we have an idea of how the 2020-2021 school year is going to look.
Promotional pricing applies to two or more classes booked for the same workshop day.
Book prior to June 30, 2020.
No deposit/payment is required prior to the workshop date.

Choose from 150+ projects
$10 + GST per student
Fired and ready for teacher led finishing within 21 days.
Reg. price $11 + GST per student

5×3 Sun Catcher or 3 Ornaments
$15 + GST per student
Fused and ready to send home within 21 days.
Reg. price $16-$20 + GST per student

An additional $2 OFF regular pricing per student for the second workshop, when we visit you twice in the same year!
Regular pricing as listed on our website.
We know that you and your students are longing to go back to ‘normal’. We are too!
In an effort to manage the risk of passing on any virus, Clay for Kids Edmonton is taking the following steps:
- Clay for Kids will not be re-using tools such as toothpicks and skewers. These items will be NEW, and reserved for your class only.
- Paint brushes and other durable tools will be disinfected after each workshop.
- The use of Clay for Kids student aprons will be suspended until further notice.
- Any paper templates are now one use only or laminated and washable after each class.
- Shared water containers have been replaced with individual, disposable water containers.
- Your Clay for Kids instructor will have a mask available for use, and any additional PPE as required by local school boards.
- We LOVE parent volunteers, but understand there may be restrictions that limit the number of visitors in the class. The Clay for Kids Instructor is experienced in leading the workshop with the assistance of the classroom teacher only, if required.
Clay for Kids, since 1981
The 2020-2021 school year marks the 40th anniversary of Clay for Kids.
Clay for Kids Edmonton is locally owned and operated. Your continued support employs 4-5 instructors each year. It is a career that affords each instructor a family friendly, flexible schedule and an income! We ARE a small, local business and for supporting that, WE THANK YOU!